Monday, April 20, 2009

Dear Student,

Before I was a student at The School of Metaphysics, I was unaware of the power of my mind. I had no idea that my overactive imagination could become a tool to fulfill my desires. Before I was a student, I did not know that with practice, I could learn to concentrate, still my mind and choose productive thoughts directed toward my soul growth and evolution. Now, I know that I can create the life I desire and that I can become my ideal Self. After all, my hands are on the steering wheel.

I have driven down many twisted roads without a compass, explored many mountains, valleys, rivers and canyons. Then, on a dark, crisp night, traffic control shined its brights down a road less traveled. Have you ever walked into a book store and stumbled apon the very book that could answer all of your questions? I have. Actually, I have hundreds of times at Half Price Books. For two years, I frequented that store before I realized that I found mySelf over and over again in the Metaphysics section carrying away one, two, sometimes seven books. I did not even know what Metaphysics was; meta meaning “beyond”, physics meaning “the physical”. What happened next certainly was Metaphysical. One night, I was filling my car up with gas and heard a soothing voice on the radio interpreting dreams. “The School of Metaphysics” he said and followed with the phone number in a voice that penetrated so deeply that my conscious mind did not even have it on the radar. The next thing I knew, I was on the phone with the Director of the School, enrolled in the very class that I am now teaching, and had steered my vehicle toward the path of enlightenment.

I welcome each of you to discovering a life of fulfillment. Appreciate the paths that brough you here whether they be bumpy, smooth, culdesacs or inclines. After ten months of learning and gaining new experiences on this path, I will now share the Universal Truths I have come to understand and integrate into my daily life. I am excited to be teaching the First Cycle of classes in the Mastery of Consciousness, an experiential course that has aided me in accessing the most valuable tool for creation: my mind.